Wednesday, 5 April 2017

WOYWW #409

Ah, yes... Wednesday has rolled around again - way too quickly, I might add - and it's time to show of our places of crafting glorious-ness in the weekly posts know as "What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday" :)
For the last few weeks I have been late, disorganised or just completely forgetful - so keeping my fingers crossed that this week I shall be able to get posted, link up, and visit lots of blogs all within a good space of time :)
This week, I shall be number .... 19.
I am in a crafting transitional stage at the moment - lots of ideas for projects in my head, and not really sure which one to start first. Trouble is, I've had an awful toothache for the past few weeks and it's just getting worse. I'm too often distracted by this annoying pain to be able to concentrate on an important project.. and there are some important things that need doing.

My dearest friend's daughter is getting married (YAY!!!) and as honourable and venerated 'Auntie' I am plunged in at the deep end (again!) and helping out. I made the wedding book for her eldest daughter (my namesake, Charlie), and so am doing the same for the youngest daughter, Tamsin, too. I just hope Royce, her son, doesn't decide to get hitched in the foreseeable future lol. Anyway, I have been advised of the colour theme, and have managed to get hold of a Papermania capsule pack in 'Parisienne Blue' with tags that will match in 'Burleigh Blue' (no 'Parisienne Blue' ones to be found!). I'd love to get hold of a couple more packs, as the project I have in mind will take quite a bit of paper. Papermania used to do a Capsule Collection in yellow and orange colours - but that's disappeared off all shelves, and so I may have to end up using plain card-stock in those colours. I can't decide which border/edge dies to use - and may have to sit and do something I've never done before and actually think about the design and plan it out BEFORE I start lol. So that explains a little of what's on my work-desk... now for the rest...
I've been looking for some cheap seam binding, and managed to get hold of some online - 15 metres for £1 plus a little  postage - so I bought everything they had. Only 4 colours - but I  can dye it to suit what I need. I've just found two more in grey and pink - 1/4 and 1/2 inch widths, so bought those too lol
Another project I've decided to start is for Christmas - yes, I know it's a little less than 9 months away yet - but I do like to be organised :) My youngest daughter lives here at home along with her boyfriend, Matt. Matt is so good to my little girl (she's 22 years old, but still my baby lol) and he has so much patience. He works, sings in a band AND writes their songs, organises gigs (they are on tour right now), and even helps produce their music videos too... and he makes his own guitars from scratch. Oh, he also gives guitar lessons too. See... amazing! Anyway... his mum is pretty special - she'd have to be to raise a son like Matt, so I want to make her something special for Christmas. She is a music teacher and a concert flautist. I thought I'd make her a little album she can fill with photographs of her orchestra moments :) 
A work in progress lol

Well, That's it - a bit of a long-winded post (my apologies). Except for the glycerine and paper I mentioned last week... even though some of the 'leather' paper I made was with old yellow file folders, it all came out quite well...
I haven't run them through the embosser yet - I'm deciding on which (if any) folder to use. They really don't look as shiny in real life lol

I hope everyone has had a trouble-free week so far :) Have a Wonderful Wednesday.. and the rest of the week too :)


misteejay said...

Lots going on and lots to see this week.
Sounds like you are going to be very busy with album making.
Hope the toothache is soon sorted.
Toni xx

Sarah Brennan said...

You certainly have lots of projects on the go. Hope the toothache is sorted soon and doesn't hold you up. Sarah #4

Unknown said...

Have you tried amazon and ebay? it can be possible to find stuff there that can't be found easily elsewhere, good luck with the project... . dxxx#17

Unknown said...

Wish I could help you out but have none of the papers you are looking for. I believe many of us have the some problem, so many project we get inspired to make but just not enough time to do them all. Lovely project you have started. Looking forward to seeing the completed book. Diane #8

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Bubbles, that sounds like a lovely thing to be making for their wedding. Have you tried E-Bay for those paper pads? It's surprising what you can find sometimes, I was looking for the name of a pad I'd used in some cards I blogged recently- I'd lost the cover sheet- and know it was a few years old & discontinued by Dovecraft, but actually found some on sale on E-Bay. May be worth a look. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

Christine said...

Wow! you do have a lot planned. good job the lighter evenings are here ....
Hope your toothache gets sorted or eases off.
Christine #18

Sharon said...

What a lovely thing for you to make. Sounds like it will be a gift to treasure. I do hope your tooth ache gets better soon.

Sharon K #34

lisa said...

You sound like you are going to be kept very busy so I hope you get your tooth sorted out, it's horrible when you are in pain isn't it??
Your leather paper looks great.
Have a good week
Hugs Lisax #25

Lindart said...

Have you thought of photocopying and printing the papers that you have? That would give you more. You could even take it to a place like Staples and have done in high quality. Have fun making the wedding book, and a toothache can be very annoying and distracting, I don't know how you have put up with it for so long! Hope you get it fixed soon! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #38

Julia Dunnit said...

Get thee to a dentist girly, it can never be as bad as a constant and distracting toothache. Ouch, you have my sympathy. Well your desk is a busy place, even if it is waiting for you to decide on the next move!

April said...

Go get that tooth fixed. It's hard to be creative when your head hurts. :-)
April #33